DES Modelling of The Hyperacute / Acute Stroke Pathway - Patient and Economic Outcomes

30 Second Summary

Stroke prevalence in the UK is forecasted to increase by 40-60% from 2021 to 2030, straining hospitals and society. This project aims to develop a discrete simulation model to optimise the Hyperacute/Acute stroke pathway, improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and enhancing economic benefits. It will analyse variables like staffing and operating hours

Discrete Event Simulation(DES)

John Williams

Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

In the UK the prevalence of stroke among the population is set to increase, with some forecasts putting this between 40-60% from 2021 to 2030. This increase will not only put pressure on hospitals but also on all of society.

The Hyperacute stroke setting is an extremely time critical. The quicker treatment can be delivered the better a patient’s outcome. In the Acute setting, therapy takes centre stage in rehabilitating patients, with the initial few weeks being the most impactful for the patient’s recovery.

Post stroke, patients can suffer with extreme changes to their function and wellbeing. The more severe the post stroke disability the more intensive and expensive care is needed.

The aim of this project is to develop a discrete simulation model to observe the potential effects of differing variables (such as staffing / operating hours of pathways and services) within the Hyperacute / Acute stroke pathway have on the following :