Discrete Event Simulation to model othopaedic theatre capacity optimisation

30 Second Summary

The project aims to use Discrete Event Simulation to optimize theatre capacity for elective and major trauma orthopaedic procedures at UHCW. Increasing emergency referrals are impacting elective lists and finances. The model will explore adding theatre slots and increasing capacity to improve patient flow and reduce waiting lists.

Discrete Event Simulation (DES)
Waiting Lists
Patient Flow

Rebecca Marshall

University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust

The aim of this project is to use Discrete Event Simulation to optimise theatre capacity for elective procedures and major trauma arrivals in Orthopaedics.

Orthopaedic Trauma – Emergency Referrals (Major Trauma) increasing over the last 4-5 months; UHCW is a Major Trauma Centre so receive patients from further afield as well as local patients. Also, a Tertiary referral centre for specialised surgeries. This is impacting on elective lists as not enough capacity to do alongside emergency cases.

Having a financial impact on the Trust due to money Orthopaedics brings in but activity is unable to happen due to emergency cases, waiting lists increasing. Harder to get patients back from elsewhere due to lack of resource/capacity.

Using a Discrete Event Simulation model showing the major trauma and elective surgery pathways in Orthopaedics and experiment with adding extra theatre slots and/or increasing capacity elsewhere in the pathway to improve flow and the waiting list.